Zero Waste Holiday: Tips for a Plastic Free Valentine’s Day

By Bethany Holtz - Outreach Manager

True love lasts a lifetime but plastic lasts even longer. This Valentine’s Day we challenge you to take a moment to show your love for our planet, as well as to your special someone. Check out our tips for how to plan a special and eco-friendly day.

  1. Reusable Tote Bag with Local Goodies: Instead of traditional gift wrapping, opt for a reusable tote bag made from sustainable materials. Fill it with locally sourced goodies like chocolates, artisanal treats, or organic fruits. This not only reduces plastic waste but also supports local businesses.

  2. Plant a Tree Together: Give the gift of sustainability by planting a tree together. Visit a local park or join a community tree-planting event. This symbolic act not only contributes to the environment but also creates a lasting memory that grows along with your love.

  3. Choose Sustainable Gifts: Instead of buying plastic-wrapped chocolates or toys, consider giving gifts that are made from sustainable materials or support eco-friendly causes. For example, you could give a plant that can be used to decorate your home, or a piece of handmade jewelry made from recycled materials. You can also give symbolic gifts that supports your loved one’s favorite cause like adopting a sea turtle hatchling in their name.

  4. Gift Experiences: What shows your loved ones you care for them more than quality time! Think of something you can both do together like going to a museum or a concert. It doesn’t have to be elaborate; you could even create the perfect stay at home date filled with their favorite foods, movies, and activities. Show them you love them by paying attention to the things they like doing!

  5. DIY Personalized Gifts: Get creative and craft personalized gifts without relying on plastic materials. Create a scrapbook of your favorite memories together, write a heartfelt letter, or make a piece of artwork. Handmade gifts showcase thoughtfulness and reduce environmental impact.

  6. Organic and Fair-Trade Clothing: If you're considering clothing as a gift, choose organic and fair trade options. Sustainable fabrics like organic cotton or bamboo reduce the environmental footprint, and supporting fair trade ensures ethical working conditions for garment workers.

  7. Reusable Coffee Cup or Water Bottle: For the coffee or tea enthusiast, a reusable cup or water bottle makes for a practical and eco-friendly gift. Opt for options made from stainless steel, glass, or bamboo to avoid plastic components.

  8. Digital Experience: Plan a digital date night by streaming a movie, playing online games, or even taking a virtual cooking class together. This eliminates the need for physical items and creates a shared experience from the comfort of your own space.

  9. Plan an Outdoor Adventure: Celebrate your love for nature by planning an outdoor adventure. Whether it's a hike, picnic, or beach day, spending time in nature is a beautiful way to connect without relying on disposable items.

  10. Cook a Plastic-Free Dinner Together: Prepare a romantic dinner using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Avoid pre-packaged and processed foods that often come in plastic packaging. Cooking together adds a personal touch to the celebration and promotes a sustainable lifestyle.

This Valentine's Day, go beyond the conventional and embrace a plastic-free celebration that reflects your commitment to each other and the planet. Small, thoughtful choices can make a big difference, ensuring a memorable and environmentally conscious celebration of love.