Plastic Free Tips for Your Bathroom

1.  Pick a razor with changeable blades. Plastic razors get tossed in the trash and end up in landfills after they are used. Instead, pick a razor that allows you to swap out the blade when it gets dull. Some brands even offer services where you mail the blades back to be sharpened and recycled.

2.  Switch bottled soap for bars. Most soaps and shampoos come in plastic bottles. Bar soap, on the other hand, often comes in paper packaging and many brands now offer bar soap with no packaging. Did you know they make bar soaps for shampoo, conditioner and face wash? Switching this one product in your bathroom could help divert the estimated 552 million plastic soap bottles that end up in landfills each year.

Check out this Billion Baby Turtles sponsor that sells soap in bulk: Lush

3. Use a wooden brush or comb. Plastic brushes and combs have a habit of breaking after heavy periods of use. Wooden brushes and combs stand up to the test of time. Best of all, if you did throw a wooden brush or comb in the trash, it will break down much faster than its plastic counterparts.

4. Use a bamboo toothbrush. Think about how often you toss out your toothbrush. In the U.S., 1 billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away every year. Ditch the plastic and choose a toothbrush made of bamboo instead. Bamboo is fast growing and breaks down easily once discarded.

5. Clean with natural ingredients. We all use chemicals to clean our bathrooms. We’ve been taught that it’s the room in our home with the most germs. Many of the products we use to clean our bathrooms come in oversized plastic bottles, filled mostly with water. A gallon of laundry detergent, for example, contains anywhere from 60-90% water. Some cleaning products can be bought in concentrate solutions which are sold in smaller bottles. The best way to cut out all plastic, however, would be to make your own cleaning solutions out of things like lemon juice, baking soda, and white vinegar.

Check out this blog on how to make your own cleaning products at home.

6. Ditch makeup wipes for washable cloths. If you used 1 makeup wipe per day, you would be sending 365 wipes to the landfill each year. Think about how quickly that adds up per person! Opt for washable makeup cloths or face rounds. They are gentler on your skin, allow you to use any face wash you want and can be tossed in the wash easily for repeated use. Why not be gentle to your skin and the environment?

Check out this Billion Baby Turtles sponsor that offers reusable face cloth products: Sea Bae Beauty.